2010年7月6日 星期二

Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner

偶然間又聽到了這首歌, 第一次聽到應該是高中時某張合輯裡面 B 面最後一首
常常都是聽到最後一首清唱版本然後慢慢入睡... :p

啊~~~ 好愛清唱的版本!! 讚!!



還有 Blog: http://www.suzannevega.com/
Wiki 上還有資料, 哇哇, 真是懷念高中時期拼命打工買英文卡帶的日子!

Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner

I am sitting in the morning
At the diner on the corner
I am waiting at the counter
For the man to pour the coffee

And he fills it only halfway
And before I even argue
He is looking out the window
At somebody coming in

"It is always nice to see you"
Says the man behind the counter
To the woman who has come in
She is shaking her umbrella

And I look the other way
As they are kissing their hellos
I'm pretending not to see them
And instead I pour the milk

And I open up the paper
There's a story of an actor
Who had died while he was drinking
It was no one I had heard of

And I'm turning to the horoscope
And looking for the funnies
When I'm feeling someone watching me
And so I raise my head

There's a woman on the outside
Looking inside. Does she see me?
No she does not really see me
Cause she sees her own reflection

And I'm trying not to notice
That she's hitching up her skirt
And while she's straightening her stockings
Her hair has gotten wet

Oh, this rain it will continue
Through the morning as I'm listening
To the bells of the cathedral
I am thinking of your voice

And of the midnight picnic
Once upon a time before the rain began...
I finish up my coffee
It's time to catch the train

Da da da da...

Wiki 裡還說當初還拿這首歌來當 MP3 壓縮的樣版, 因為這首的 acapella 版本
聲音很乾淨, 對聲音壓縮是一種考驗...

Tom's diner 還真有這間店, 還在 NYC 112 街跟 Broadway 交會處.
疑? 那不是離哥大還蠻近的?

Google Street View 還可以找到耶... oh shit...
