2010年6月21日 星期一

20100619 園區 -> 寶山路 -> 北埔 -> 竹東 -> 園區

總距離: 36.43km, 累計時間: 2:57:02, 平均速度: 12.3km/h,
最大速度: 48.9km/h, 總卡路里: 1386, 平均心率: 140bpm,
最大心率: 189bpm, 上坡總計: 460m, 下坡總計: 489m

本來這趟是上週末要挑戰的, 後來因為下了好幾天雨而取消
6/18 臨時找了萍哥跟建誠一起出發, 騎完之後的感覺是: 好爽啊~~~ @_@

看起來好像沒啥, 但騎起來好大一圈啊~~~~

沿路沒拍多少照片啦, 先看路線:
. 園區出發 -> 寶山路 -> 北埔 -> 進市區吃冰 -> 台三線 -> 竹東
-> 河濱公園 (過家門而不入 :p) -> 中興路 -> 學府路 -> 寶山路
-> 園區


里程高度跟心跳圖, 踏頻有點問題沒連上... :p
第一點高點應該就在愛迪生山莊那, 之後一路往下滑滑滑...
然後上坡下坡上坡下坡... 唉呀我的媽呀, 無敵上坡來了...
那個最高點應該就是寶二水庫管理中心那吧. 騎到那三個人都快吐血了!
但騎過這一趟還真不錯, 把先前累積在身體裡的大懶蟲
跟無力蟲都打死了... :p

今天騎的車車是很久沒出動的 XTC3, 前一天還找不到大打氣筒可以打氣
只好用隨身打氣筒慢慢打, 昏倒!

萍哥正在裝他的 Takumi 801 帥車!

途中唯一拍的一張照片, 如果拍很多張表示那個路線一點都不硬!
超級藍天, 仔細一點看大霸尖山甚至雪山的山凹都看得到!!

到北埔才八點多, 觀光客還沒進來, 所以店都還沒開...
還好常去的那間冰店剛剛開門, 趕緊跑進去吃碗剉冰啦!
不過真的是貴啦, 料超少一碗要價 45 元. 賣給死觀光客的啦!

不到十點半就收工了, 比預料中的還快了很久...
可能有人會懷疑 206 怎麼能把 XTC3 裝得進去, here it is...

Takumi 小徑要放在 Golf 裡就很輕鬆了...

忘了拍陳董的車, 他的車車是 NRS 0 (還是 1?), 雙避震的車車,
應該是 Anthem 的前一代車, 好像跟我的 XTC3 同年? (2003)

大家都太久沒騎車了, 這回騎得有點吃力, 應該要多運動運動才是...
再找機會挑戰其他路線囉! :)


2010年6月17日 星期四

修改 Android 系統 platform...

備份一下, 以免以後忘了...

code base: vendor/sample/frameworks/

make com.example.android.platform_library
make com.example.android.platform_library.xml
make libplatform_library_jni
make PlatformLibraryClient

adb install PlatformLibraryClient.apk

2010年6月14日 星期一

Moto XT701 dmesg

備份一下... 底下是進入 suspend mode

<6>[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
<5>[ 0.000000] Linux version 2.6.29-omap1 (prodcm@zch68-ard14) (gcc version 4.4.0 (GCC) ) #1 PREEMPT Tue Apr 20 14:51:17 CST 2010
<4>[ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [411fc083] revision 3 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387f
<4>[ 0.000000] CPU: VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT nonaliasing instruction cache
<4>[ 0.000000] Machine: mapphone_
<4>[ 0.000000] parse_tag_powerup_reason: powerup reason=0x00020000
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000402
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000403
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000404
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000405
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000406
<6>[ 0.000000] parse_tag_mbm_version: mbm_version=0x00008098
<6>[ 0.000000] parse_tag_mbm_loader_version: mbm_loader_version=0x000005a0
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000409
<6>[ 0.000000] flat_dev_tree_address=0x8f090000, flat_dev_tree_size == 0x00000C26
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf100040b
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf100040c
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf100040d
<6>[ 0.000000] parse_tag_battery_status_at_boot: battery_status_at_boot=0x00000001
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf100040f
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000410
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000411
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000412
<4>[ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0xf1000413
<4>[ 0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
<7>[ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 62464
<7>[ 0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c04f9f64, node_mem_map c05e0000
<7>[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 488 pages used for memmap
<7>[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
<7>[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 61976 pages, LIFO batch:15
<6>[ 0.000000] OMAP3430 ES3.1
<6>[ 0.000000] SRAM: Mapped pa 0x40200000 to va 0xe3000000 size: 0x100000
<6>[ 0.000000] Reserving 5242880 bytes SDRAM for VRAM
<4>[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 61976
<5>[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=ttyMTD10 rw mem=244M@0x80C00000 init=/init ip=off brdrev=P3_TABLET_CU androidboot.bootloader=80.91 androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.hardware=choles mtdparts=omap2-nand.0:1536k@2176k(pds),384k@4480k(cid),384k@7424k(misc),3584k(boot)ro,4608k@15232k(recovery),8960k(cdrom),179840k@29184k(system),106m@209408k(cache),199m(userdata),2m(kpanic)
<3>[ 0.000000] Unknown boot option `androidboot.bootloader=80.91': ignoring
<6>[ 0.000000] boot_mode=normal
<3>[ 0.000000] Unknown boot option `androidboot.hardware=choles': ignoring
<6>[ 0.000000] Clocking rate (Crystal/DPLL/ARM core): 26.0/320/500 MHz
<6>[ 0.000000] Reprogramming SDRC
<6>[ 0.000000] GPMC revision 5.0
<6>[ 0.000000] GPMC Prefetch is enabled....
<6>[ 0.000000] IRQ: Found an INTC at 0xd8200000 (revision 4.0) with 96 interrupts
<6>[ 0.000000] Total of 96 interrupts on 1 active controller
<6>[ 0.000000] OMAP34xx GPIO hardware version 2.5
<4>[ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 10, 4096 bytes)
<6>[ 0.000000] OMAP clockevent source: GPTIMER1 at 32768 Hz
<6>[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
<6>[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
<6>[ 0.000000] Memory: 244MB = 244MB total
<5>[ 0.000000] Memory: 229752KB available (4608K code, 1157K data, 208K init)
<6>[ 0.000000] Calibrating delay loop... 499.92 BogoMIPS (lpj=1949696)
<4>[ 0.000000] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
<6>[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys debug
<6>[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
<6>[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
<6>[ 0.000000] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
<6>[ 0.000000] net_namespace: 952 bytes
<6>[ 0.000000] regulator: core version 0.5
<6>[ 0.000000] NET: Registered protocol family 16
<6>[ 0.000000] Device tree prop padinit override done
<6>[ 0.000000] Device tree prop padwkupsinit override done
<6>[ 0.000000] Device tree prop offmodeinit override done
<6>[ 0.000000] Device tree prop offmodewkupsinit override done
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 8, name = bt_wake_b
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 22, name = accel1_int
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 23, name = gps_standby
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 27, name = lcd_panel_reset
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 28, name = akm8973_reset
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 36, name = flash_ready
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 41, name = lcd_panel_sd
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 59, name = gps_reset
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 65, name = wlan_host_wake
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 109, name = touch_panel_int
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 110, name = silence_data
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 160, name = gps_interrupt
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 175, name = akm8973_int
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 176, name = power_off
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 178, name = bt_host_wake_b
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 179, name = bt_reset_b
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 181, name = vib_control_en
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO mapping write: pin = 186, name = wlan_reset
<6>[ 0.000000] DT overwrite GPIO Mapping done!
<6>[ 0.000000] GPIO Mapping init done!
<6>[ 0.000000] cpcap init size = 3
<6>[ 0.000000] CPCAP: Overwrite reg [46] setting!
<6>[ 0.000000] CPCAP: Overwrite reg [54] setting!
<6>[ 0.000000] CPCAP: Overwrite reg [55] setting!
<6>[ 0.000000] sholest_als_init:Initializing
<6>[ 6.442138] OMAP DMA hardware revision 4.0
<6>[ 6.442230] Reserving DMA channels 0 and 1 for HS ROM code
<4>[ 6.468902] bio: create slab at 0
<6>[ 6.472259] omap-uart.1: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x4806a000 (irq = 72) is a OMAP UART1
<6>[ 6.472747] omap-uart.2: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x4806c000 (irq = 73) is a OMAP UART2
<6>[ 6.473114] omap-uart.3: ttyS2 at MMIO 0x49020000 (irq = 74) is a OMAP UART3
<6>[ 6.473144] console [ttyS2] enabled
<6>[ 7.005676] i2c_omap i2c_omap.1: bus 1 rev3.12 at 400 kHz
<6>[ 7.012298] i2c_omap i2c_omap.2: bus 2 rev3.12 at 400 kHz
<6>[ 7.018890] i2c_omap i2c_omap.3: bus 3 rev3.12 at 400 kHz
<6>[ 7.032623] regulator: sw5: 5050 mV
<6>[ 7.037200] regulator: vusb: 3300 mV
<6>[ 7.042236] regulator: vcam: 2800 mV
<6>[ 7.048126] regulator: vcsi: 1800 mV
<6>[ 7.053192] regulator: vdac: 1800 mV
<6>[ 7.059204] regulator: vdig: 1875 mV
<6>[ 7.063690] regulator: vfuse: 1500 <--> 3150 mV
<6>[ 7.070434] regulator: vhvio: 2775 mV
<6>[ 7.075561] regulator: vsdio: 2900 mV
<6>[ 7.080810] regulator: vpll: 1800 mV
<6>[ 7.086395] regulator: vrf1: 2775 mV
<6>[ 7.092010] regulator: vrf2: 2775 mV
<6>[ 7.097167] regulator: vrfref: 2775 mV
<6>[ 7.101837] regulator: vwlan1: 1800 <--> 1900 mV
<6>[ 7.108001] regulator: vwlan2: 3000 mV
<6>[ 7.112792] regulator: vsim: 1800 <--> 2900 mV
<6>[ 7.118194] regulator: vsimcard: 1800 <--> 2900 mV
<6>[ 7.124053] regulator: vvib: 1300 <--> 3000 mV
<6>[ 7.130645] regulator: vaudio: 2775 mV normal standby
<6>[ 7.140197] cpcap_uc cpcap_uc: firmware: using built-in firmware cpcap/firmware_1_2x.fw
<6>[ 7.148651] cpcap_uc cpcap_uc: Loading 496 word(s) at 0x9130
<6>[ 7.262908] cpcap_uc cpcap_uc: Loading 1 word(s) at 0x9018
<6>[ 7.271209] cpcap_uc cpcap_uc: Started macro 4: 0
<6>[ 7.278045] cpcap_usb cpcap_usb: Initialized CPCAP USB module
<6>[ 7.285186] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
<6>[ 7.291442] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
<6>[ 7.297332] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
<6>[ 7.308288] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.15
<6>[ 7.312408] NET: Registered protocol family 31
<6>[ 7.317108] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
<6>[ 7.323760] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
<7>[ 7.329956] Switched to high resolution mode on CPU 0
<6>[ 7.332214] musb_hdrc: version 6.0, musb-dma, otg (peripheral+host), debug=0
<7>[ 7.339965] musb_hdrc: ConfigData=0xde (UTMI-8, dyn FIFOs, bulk combine (X), bulk split (X), HB-ISO Rx (X), HB-ISO Tx (X), SoftConn)
<7>[ 7.339996] musb_hdrc: MHDRC RTL version 1.400
<7>[ 7.340026] musb_hdrc: setup fifo_mode 4
<7>[ 7.340026] musb_hdrc: 29/31 max ep, 15424/16384 memory
<7>[ 7.340057] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 0shared, max 64
<7>[ 7.340057] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 1tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340087] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 1rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340087] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 2tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340118] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 2rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340118] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 3tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340148] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 3rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340148] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 4tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340148] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 4rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340179] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 5tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340179] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 5rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340209] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 6tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340209] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 6rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340209] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 7tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340240] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 7rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340240] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 8tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340270] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 8rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340270] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 9tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340270] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 9rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340301] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 10tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340301] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 10rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340332] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 11tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340332] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 11rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340332] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 12tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340362] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 12rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340362] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 13tx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340393] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 13rx, max 512
<7>[ 7.340393] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 14shared, max 1024
<7>[ 7.340423] musb_hdrc: hw_ep 15shared, max 1024
<6>[ 7.340454] musb_hdrc: USB OTG mode controller at d80ab000 using DMA, IRQ 92
<6>[ 7.348571] NET: Registered protocol family 2
<6>[ 7.353393] IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
<6>[ 7.361297] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
<6>[ 7.368927] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
<6>[ 7.375762] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
<6>[ 7.382415] TCP reno registered
<6>[ 7.385986] NET: Registered protocol family 1
<6>[ 7.391113] checking if image is initramfs... it is
<6>[ 7.465576] Freeing initrd memory: 216K
<6>[ 7.471801] dspbridge_init: 600000 bytes @ 81900000
<4>[ 7.477600] sholest_wifi_init: start
<6>[ 7.481842] gpio_dev_size = 6
<6>[ 7.484954] GPIODev: Overwrite device [gps_reset] setting!
<6>[ 7.490722] GPIODev: Overwrite device [gps_standby] setting!
<6>[ 7.496704] GPIODev: Overwrite device [gps_interrupt] setting!
<6>[ 7.502807] GPIODev: Add new device [bt_reset_b] setting!
<6>[ 7.508453] GPIODev: Add new device [bt_wake_b] setting!
<6>[ 7.514038] GPIODev: Add new device [lcd_panel_reset] setting!
<6>[ 7.530120] ashmem: initialized
<5>[ 7.534088] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
<4>[ 7.538299] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
<4>[ 7.545471] yaffs Apr 20 2010 14:45:20 Installing.
<6>[ 7.550689] msgmni has been set to 449
<6>[ 7.558959] alg: No test for stdrng (krng)
<6>[ 7.563323] io scheduler noop registered
<6>[ 7.567626] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
<6>[ 7.573974] OMAP DSS rev 2.0
<6>[ 7.577056] OMAP DISPC rev 3.0
<6>[ 7.580322] ASK036 TEST
<6>[ 7.583038] OMAP DSI rev 1.0
<6>[ 7.590728] GPIODev init successfully
<6>[ 7.610687] brd: module loaded
<6>[ 7.620910] loop: module loaded
<6>[ 7.625244] input: compass as /devices/virtual/input/input0
<6>[ 7.632141] <6>LIS331DLH accelerometer driver
<6>[ 7.639038] input: accelerometer as /devices/virtual/input/input1
<6>[ 7.645965] lis331dlh 2-0019: lis331dlh probed
<6>[ 7.655853] ts27010 mux registered
<6>[ 7.660156] Loaded SysPanic device driver
<6>[ 7.722503] Android kernel panic handler initialized (bind=kpanic)
<6>[ 7.729766] input: cpcap-key as /devices/virtual/input/input2
<6>[ 7.735839] cpcap_key cpcap_key: CPCAP key device probed
<3>[ 7.753234] regulator_check_voltage: operation not allowed for vaudio
<6>[ 7.760894] cpcap spi1.0: Headset key event: old=0, new=0
<6>[ 7.766662] cpcap spi1.0: New headset state: 0
<6>[ 7.771636] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
<6>[ 7.776733] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
<6>[ 7.782073] PPP BSD Compression module registered
<6>[ 7.787811] PPP MPPE Compression module registered
<6>[ 7.792907] NET: Registered protocol family 24
<6>[ 7.798034] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
<6>[ 7.804595] hp3a hp3a-omap: Registered hp3a driver.
<6>[ 7.872955] i2c /dev entries driver
<6>[ 7.881958] omap2-nand driver initializing
<3>[ 7.886688] omap2-nand: irqstatus set on cmd entry ff
<6>[ 7.892028] NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xbc (Hynix NAND 512MiB 1,8V 16-bit)
<5>[ 7.901123] 10 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device omap2-nand.0
<5>[ 7.908020] Creating 10 MTD partitions on "omap2-nand.0":
<5>[ 7.913726] 0x000000220000-0x0000003a0000 : "pds"
<5>[ 7.921051] 0x000000460000-0x0000004c0000 : "cid"
<5>[ 7.927398] 0x000000740000-0x0000007a0000 : "misc"
<5>[ 7.933807] 0x0000007a0000-0x000000b20000 : "boot"
<5>[ 7.940765] 0x000000ee0000-0x000001360000 : "recovery"
<5>[ 7.948547] 0x000001360000-0x000001c20000 : "cdrom"
<5>[ 7.956787] 0x000001c80000-0x00000cc20000 : "system"
<5>[ 7.999511] 0x00000cc80000-0x000013680000 : "cache"
<5>[ 8.027801] 0x000013680000-0x00001fd80000 : "userdata"
<5>[ 8.075469] 0x00001fd80000-0x00001ff80000 : "kpanic"
<6>[ 8.083007] apanic: Bound to mtd partition 'kpanic'
<6>[ 8.088226] apanic: c(2048, 262144) t(264192, 260477)
<4>[ 8.094848] IRQ 78/usbtll: IRQF_DISABLED is not guaranteed on shared IRQs
<6>[ 8.102325] ehci-omap ehci-omap.0: OMAP-EHCI Host Controller
<6>[ 8.109436] ehci-omap ehci-omap.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
<6>[ 8.117767] ehci-omap ehci-omap.0: irq 77, io mem 0x48064800
<6>[ 8.134521] ehci-omap ehci-omap.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004
<6>[ 8.143341] usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
<6>[ 8.149658] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>[ 8.153778] hub 1-0:1.0: 3 ports detected
<6>[ 8.160003] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
<6>[ 8.167327] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
<6>[ 8.173278] cdc_acm: v0.26:USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
<6>[ 8.182952] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
<6>[ 8.189086] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
<6>[ 8.193969] USB Serial support registered for moto-modem
<6>[ 8.199951] usbcore: registered new interface driver moto-modem
<6>[ 8.206451] USB Serial support registered for QSC 6085 Modem Driver
<6>[ 8.213439] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdma-modem
<6>[ 8.219879] USB Serial support registered for moto-flashqsc
<6>[ 8.226043] usbcore: registered new interface driver moto-flashqsc
<6>[ 8.233032] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_ipc_data
<6>[ 8.241729] mass_storage_function_add
<6>[ 8.246093] fsg_probe pdata: c04c9b24
<6>[ 8.250457] android_usb gadget: Number of LUNs=1
<6>[ 8.255401] usbnet_function_add
<6>[ 8.258789] usb0 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 8.264678] usb_ether_get_stats
<6>[ 8.268859] adb_function_add
<6>[ 8.272338] android_usb gadget: android_usb ready
<6>[ 8.277435] musb_hdrc musb_hdrc: MUSB HDRC host driver
<6>[ 8.283691] musb_hdrc musb_hdrc: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
<6>[ 8.292175] usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
<6>[ 8.298492] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>[ 8.302642] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>[ 8.309387] qtouch_force_reset: Forcing HW reset
<6>[ 8.416290] qtouch_process_info_block: Build version is 0x15
<6>[ 8.422760] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 5 @ 0x00f2 (9) insts 1 rep_ids 0
<6>[ 8.430847] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 6 @ 0x00fb (6) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.438934] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 38 @ 0x0101 (8) insts 1 rep_ids 0
<6>[ 8.447174] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 7 @ 0x0109 (3) insts 1 rep_ids 0
<6>[ 8.455291] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 8 @ 0x010c (8) insts 1 rep_ids 0
<6>[ 8.463378] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 9 @ 0x0114 (30) insts 1 rep_ids 10
<6>[ 8.471649] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 15 @ 0x0132 (11) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.479949] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 18 @ 0x013d (2) insts 1 rep_ids 0
<6>[ 8.488159] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 19 @ 0x013f (16) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.496429] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 20 @ 0x014f (12) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.504730] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 22 @ 0x015b (17) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.512969] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 23 @ 0x016c (13) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.521270] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 24 @ 0x0179 (19) insts 1 rep_ids 4
<6>[ 8.529541] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 25 @ 0x018c (14) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.537811] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 27 @ 0x019a (7) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.546020] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 28 @ 0x01a1 (6) insts 1 rep_ids 1
<6>[ 8.554199] qtouch_process_info_block: Object 37 @ 0x0070 (130) insts 1 rep_ids 0
<4>[ 8.562438] qtouch_process_info_block: Checksum mismatch (0xad2e != 0x5a23)
<6>[ 8.569793] qtouch_process_info_block: qtouch-obp-ts found. family 0x80, variant 0x1, ver 0x15, build 0xaa, matrix 19x11, 17 objects.
<6>[ 8.583251] input: qtouch-touchscreen as /devices/virtual/input/input3
<6>[ 8.591217] qtouch_hw_init: Doing hw init
<6>[ 8.597503] qtouch_hw_init: No entry key instance.
<6>[ 8.603515] GPIO Matrix Keypad Driver: Start keypad matrix for sholes-keypad in interrupt mode
<6>[ 8.612670] GPIO Input Driver: Start gpio inputs for sholes-keypad in interrupt mode
<6>[ 8.624572] input: sholes-keypad as /devices/virtual/input/input4
<6>[ 8.633087] qtouch_force_calibration: Forcing calibration
<6>[ 8.641601] input: proximity as /devices/virtual/input/input5
<6>[ 8.647979] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci-omap and address 2
<6>[ 8.656524] sfh7743 sfh7743: sfh7743 probed
<6>[ 8.663513] cpcap_rtc cpcap_rtc: rtc core: registered cpcap_rtc as rtc0
<6>[ 8.672515] Driver for 1-wire Dallas network protocol.
<6>[ 8.678955] omap_hdq omap_hdq.0: OMAP HDQ Hardware Rev 0.5. Driver in Interrupt mode
<3>[ 8.876739] omap_hdq omap_hdq.0: break wait elapsed
<6>[ 8.882720] w1_master_driver w1 bus master: Family 89 for 89.000000000000.5b is not registered.
<6>[ 8.894927] OMAP Watchdog Timer Rev 0x31: initial timeout 60 sec
<6>[ 8.901855] Watchdog auto-pet enabled at 45 sec intervals
<6>[ 8.907836] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.2
<6>[ 8.912536] Bluetooth: HCI H4 protocol initialized
<6>[ 8.917633] Bluetooth: HCILL protocol initialized
<6>[ 8.923156] cpuidle: using governor ladder
<6>[ 8.927520] cpuidle: using governor menu
<6>[ 8.934875] BD7885 driver: bd7885_probe()
<6>[ 8.939697] BD7885 chip probe is finished.
<6>[ 8.944274] BD7885 i2c driver : init is completed.
<6>[ 8.949462] BU9847 driver: bu9847_probe()
<6>[ 8.954101] BU9847 chip probe is finished.
<6>[ 8.958679] BU9847 i2c driver : init is completed.
<6>[ 8.964782] Registered led device: af-led
<6>[ 8.971160] Registered led device: button-backlight
<6>[ 8.976654] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
<6>[ 8.983917] Registered led device: red
<6>[ 8.988311] IPC DMA: ch7 for read, ch6 for write
<6>[ 8.993621] Registered led device: green
<6>[ 9.002593] Registered led device: blue
<6>[ 9.010528] Registered led device: keyboard-backlight
<6>[ 9.020294] input: lm3530_led as /devices/virtual/input/input6
<6>[ 9.029876] Registered led device: lcd-backlight
<6>[ 9.036987] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
<6>[ 9.042999] usbhid: v2.6:USB HID core driver
<6>[ 9.048645] logger: created 64K log 'log_main'
<6>[ 9.053710] logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
<6>[ 9.059143] logger: created 64K log 'log_radio'
<6>[ 9.064300] logger: created 64K log 'log_kernel'
<6>[ 9.069152] console [logger-1] enabled
<6>[ 9.073364] ram_console: got buffer at 8e000000, size 20000
<6>[ 9.079559] ram_console: uncorrectable error in header
<6>[ 9.085021] ram_console: no valid data in buffer (sig = 0x02024000)
<6>[ 9.091644] console [ram-1] enabled
<6>[ 10.841918] do_cmd_proc_msg: Reset done.
<6>[ 10.846466] do_cmd_proc_msg: Self-calibration started.
<6>[ 10.852722] qtouch_hw_init: Doing hw init
<6>[ 10.859619] qtouch_hw_init: No entry key instance.
<6>[ 10.871185] qtouch_force_calibration: Forcing calibration
<4>[ 10.881469] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
<4>[ 10.887054] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (3904 buckets, 15616 max)
<4>[ 10.893890] CONFIG_NF_CT_ACCT is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use
<4>[ 10.902038] nf_conntrack.acct=1 kernel paramater, acct=1 nf_conntrack module option or
<4>[ 10.910705] sysctl net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct=1 to enable it.
<4>[ 10.917602] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
<6>[ 10.923706] NF_TPROXY: Transparent proxy support initialized, version 4.1.0
<6>[ 10.931182] NF_TPROXY: Copyright (c) 2006-2007 BalaBit IT Ltd.
<6>[ 10.938018] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
<6>[ 10.943176] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
<5>[ 10.949340] ClusterIP Version 0.8 loaded successfully
<6>[ 10.954986] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
<6>[ 10.960144] TCP cubic registered
<6>[ 10.963928] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
<6>[ 10.968994] NET: Registered protocol family 10
<6>[ 10.974761] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 10.979919] Mobile IPv6
<6>[ 10.982696] IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
<4>[ 10.988220] mmc0: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable.
<6>[ 10.997131] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 0001
<6>[ 11.004333] mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 00000 7.41 GiB
<6>[ 11.009704] mmcblk0:<6>sit0: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<4>[ 11.017913] p1
<6>[ 11.021087] ip6tnl0: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 11.026367] NET: Registered protocol family 17
<6>[ 11.031280] NET: Registered protocol family 15
<6>[ 11.036407] Bluetooth: L2CAP ver 2.13
<6>[ 11.040435] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
<6>[ 11.046142] Bluetooth: SCO (Voice Link) ver 0.6
<6>[ 11.051086] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
<6>[ 11.057708] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
<6>[ 11.063507] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
<6>[ 11.068878] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
<6>[ 11.073211] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
<6>[ 11.078979] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2
<3>[ 11.086029] Power Management for TI OMAP3.
<6>[ 11.097534] pm_dbg_init()
<6>[ 11.101074] SmartReflex driver initialized
<6>[ 11.114593] Disabling unused clock "sr2_fck"
<6>[ 11.119415] Disabling unused clock "sr1_fck"
<6>[ 11.124114] Disabling unused clock "gpt2_ick"
<6>[ 11.129058] Disabling unused clock "gpt3_ick"
<6>[ 11.133819] Disabling unused clock "gpt4_ick"
<6>[ 11.138610] Disabling unused clock "gpt5_ick"
<6>[ 11.143554] Disabling unused clock "gpt6_ick"
<6>[ 11.148315] Disabling unused clock "gpt7_ick"
<6>[ 11.153259] Disabling unused clock "gpt8_ick"
<6>[ 11.158020] Disabling unused clock "gpt9_ick"
<6>[ 11.162811] Disabling unused clock "gpio2_dbck"
<6>[ 11.167907] Disabling unused clock "gpio3_dbck"
<6>[ 11.172851] Disabling unused clock "gpio4_dbck"
<6>[ 11.177978] Disabling unused clock "gpio5_dbck"
<6>[ 11.182952] Disabling unused clock "gpio6_dbck"
<6>[ 11.187896] Disabling unused clock "gpt9_fck"
<6>[ 11.192840] Disabling unused clock "gpt8_fck"
<6>[ 11.197631] Disabling unused clock "gpt7_fck"
<6>[ 11.202545] Disabling unused clock "gpt6_fck"
<6>[ 11.207336] Disabling unused clock "gpt5_fck"
<6>[ 11.212097] Disabling unused clock "gpt4_fck"
<6>[ 11.217041] Disabling unused clock "gpt3_fck"
<6>[ 11.221832] Disabling unused clock "gpt2_fck"
<6>[ 11.226593] Disabling unused clock "gpt12_ick"
<6>[ 11.231628] Disabling unused clock "wdt1_ick"
<6>[ 11.236419] Disabling unused clock "usim_ick"
<6>[ 11.241333] Disabling unused clock "gpio1_dbck"
<6>[ 11.246307] Disabling unused clock "usim_fck"
<6>[ 11.251068] Disabling unused clock "rng_ick"
<6>[ 11.255920] Disabling unused clock "ssi_ick"
<6>[ 11.260620] Disabling unused clock "mcbsp_ick"
<6>[ 11.265625] Disabling unused clock "mcbsp_ick"
<6>[ 11.270507] Disabling unused clock "gpt10_ick"
<6>[ 11.275390] Disabling unused clock "gpt11_ick"
<6>[ 11.280395] Disabling unused clock "mspro_ick"
<6>[ 11.285278] Disabling unused clock "des2_ick"
<6>[ 11.290039] Disabling unused clock "sha12_ick"
<6>[ 11.295074] Disabling unused clock "aes2_ick"
<6>[ 11.299865] Disabling unused clock "icr_ick"
<6>[ 11.304687] Disabling unused clock "ssi_ssr_fck"
<6>[ 11.309753] Disabling unused clock "mcbsp_fck"
<6>[ 11.314636] Disabling unused clock "mcbsp_fck"
<6>[ 11.319671] Disabling unused clock "mspro_fck"
<6>[ 11.324554] Disabling unused clock "gpt11_fck"
<6>[ 11.329559] Disabling unused clock "gpt10_fck"
<6>[ 11.334442] Disabling unused clock "modem_fck"
<6>[ 11.339324] Disabling unused clock "dpll4_m6x2_ck"
<6>[ 11.344696] Disabling unused clock "dpll3_m3x2_ck"
<6>[ 11.349945] Disabling unused clock "sys_clkout1"
<6>[ 11.356719] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30 variant c rev 1
<3>[ 11.366821] FIXME: no omap_set_dma_color_mode on 24xx
<6>[ 11.372497] DMA transaction error with device 0
<6>[ 11.582031] qtouch_force_reset: Forcing HW reset
<3>[ 11.588806] regulator_check_voltage: operation not allowed for vusb
<6>[ 11.596130] cpcap_usb_det cpcap_usb_det: CPCAP USB detection device probed
<6>[ 11.608184] HP_GEN_LENS 3-0004: lens probe called....
<3>[ 11.613677] Registered hplens as V4L2 device.
<6>[ 11.619873] omap34xxcam omap34xxcam: video0 is now omap34xxcam//hplens/
<7>[ 11.627136] ov8810_sensor_power_set(ON)
<3>[ 11.641723] i2c_omap i2c_omap.3: Transmit error
<3>[ 11.646820] bd7885 write of address 0 failed: -5
<3>[ 11.651824] bd7885 read[0] failed: -5
<3>[ 11.673706] i2c_omap i2c_omap.3: Transmit error
<3>[ 11.689300] bd7885 write of address 0 failed: -5
<3>[ 11.694274] bd7885 read[1] failed: -5
<6>[ 11.698455] qtouch_hw_init: Doing hw init
<6>[ 11.704986] qtouch_hw_init: No entry key instance.
<6>[ 11.716278] qtouch_force_calibration: Forcing calibration
<6>[ 11.722381] cpcap spi1.0: notify_accy: accy=0
<3>[ 11.728454] i2c_omap i2c_omap.3: Transmit error
<3>[ 11.733520] bd7885 write of address 0 failed: -5
<3>[ 11.738525] bd7885 read[2] failed: -5
<6>[ 11.742736] USB Driver - Notification from CPCAP for attach
<3>[ 11.759613] Xenon flash HW ID read fail
<3>[ 11.769195] ov8810_sensor_power_set: OV8810 streaming off.
<3>[ 11.775299] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.779449] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.783630] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.787933] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.792114] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.796295] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.800598] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.804748] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.808929] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.813232] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.817413] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<3>[ 11.821563] CSI2: ECC correction failed
<6>[ 11.832397] ov8810 Chip version 0x03 detected
<6>[ 11.845733] omap34xxcam omap34xxcam: video0 is now omap34xxcam/ov8810/hplens/
<6>[ 11.854003] cpcap_rtc cpcap_rtc: setting system clock to 2010-06-11 15:44:50 UTC (1276271090)
<6>[ 11.863372] Freeing init memory: 208K
<6>[ 12.043792] yaffs: dev is 32505862 name is "mtdblock6"
<6>[ 12.049468] yaffs: passed flags ""
<4>[ 12.053314] yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.6, "mtdblock6"
<4>[ 12.127014] yaffs: restored from checkpoint
<4>[ 12.131958] yaffs_read_super: isCheckpointed 1
<6>[ 12.137359] yaffs: dev is 32505864 name is "mtdblock8"
<6>[ 12.142944] yaffs: passed flags ""
<4>[ 12.146759] yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.8, "mtdblock8"
<6>[ 12.291351] do_cmd_proc_msg: Reset done.
<6>[ 12.295745] do_cmd_proc_msg: Self-calibration started.
<4>[ 15.399719] yaffs_read_super: isCheckpointed 0
<7>[ 15.579162] apanic: kpanic partition erased
<6>[ 15.584197] yaffs: dev is 32505863 name is "mtdblock7"
<6>[ 15.589782] yaffs: passed flags ""
<4>[ 15.593505] yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.7, "mtdblock7"
<4>[ 15.601715] yaffs: restored from checkpoint
<4>[ 15.606323] yaffs_read_super: isCheckpointed 1
<6>[ 15.694305] yaffs: dev is 32505861 name is "mtdblock5"
<6>[ 15.699951] yaffs: passed flags ""
<4>[ 15.703643] yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.5, "mtdblock5"
<4>[ 15.713134] yaffs: restored from checkpoint
<4>[ 15.717712] yaffs_read_super: isCheckpointed 1
<6>[ 15.725250] yaffs: dev is 32505856 name is "mtdblock0"
<6>[ 15.730865] yaffs: passed flags ""
<4>[ 15.734710] yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.0, "mtdblock0"
<4>[ 15.741424] yaffs: restored from checkpoint
<4>[ 15.747985] yaffs_read_super: isCheckpointed 0
<4>[ 15.797729] Running NetMUX
<6>[ 15.817077] Inserting sec module
<3>[ 15.869964] init: cannot find '/system/bin/telnetd', disabling 'telnet'
<6>[ 15.890686] adb_open
<3>[ 15.979095] init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
<3>[ 16.036254] init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', disabling 'flash_recovery'
<6>[ 16.208160] warning: `gkisystem' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
<3>[ 16.299041] init: cannot find '/system/bin/shutter', disabling 'shutter'
<6>[ 16.312591] warning: `opprofdaemon' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
<6>[ 16.337280] rmnet0 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 16.355377] warning: `ssmgrd' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
<6>[ 16.425659] rmnet0: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 16.430938] psd_data6 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 16.480224] psd_data6: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 16.485717] psd_data7 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 16.514282] cpcap spi1.0: CPCAP uC: open status:0
<6>[ 16.557983] psd_data7: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 16.563354] psd_data8 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 16.614776] psd_data8: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 16.620330] psd_data9 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 16.683227] psd_data9: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 16.688751] psd_data10 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 16.719238] psd_data10: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<6>[ 16.724975] muxtest_net (): not using net_device_ops yet
<6>[ 16.732849] muxtest_net: Disabled Privacy Extensions
<3>[ 16.748687] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 71
<3>[ 18.056518] Trying to free already-free IRQ 35
<6>[ 18.644134] turning off regulator
<6>[ 18.662841] turning off regulator
<6>[ 18.735260] turning off regulator
<6>[ 18.757934] turning off regulator
<6>[ 18.768005] turning off regulator
<6>[ 18.772491] AUDIO_DRIVER:spkr1 = 0x20, spkr2 = 0x0
<3>[ 18.897735] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 71
<3>[ 18.950622] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 57
<3>[ 18.995483] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 71
<3>[ 19.093139] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 71
<3>[ 19.190856] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 71
<3>[ 19.288635] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 71
<3>[ 21.242309] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 23.196044] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 25.149780] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 27.104400] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 29.057586] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 31.011016] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<6>[ 31.983795] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 25224395796 (2010-06-11 15:45:10.629791260 UTC)
<6>[ 32.847137] input: sensors as /devices/virtual/input/input7
<3>[ 32.964721] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<6>[ 34.382537] turning off regulator
<3>[ 34.918579] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<6>[ 36.223876] turning off regulator
<3>[ 36.872467] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 38.825927] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 40.779693] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 42.733428] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 44.980163] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 46.933929] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 48.891662] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<7>[ 50.590789] device_mode_change_write cmd=acm_eth_mtp_adb
<7>[ 50.596771] msc_function_enable enable = 0 id=0
<7>[ 50.601654] acm_function_enable(): enable=16 id=0
<7>[ 50.622039] usbnet_function_enable enable=4 id = 2
<7>[ 50.634613] mtp_function_enable enable=0 id=3
<7>[ 50.639373] adb_function_enable_id enable=2 id =4
<3>[ 50.841430] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<6>[ 51.470520] android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android
<6>[ 51.476898] usbnet_set_alt intf: 2 alt: 0
<6>[ 52.077117] usb_ether_open
<6>[ 52.080230] usb_ether_get_stats
<3>[ 52.795104] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 54.748901] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 56.702575] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 58.656311] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 60.611206] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 62.563812] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<7>[ 62.853271] usb0: no IPv6 routers present
<3>[ 64.517578] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<6>[ 66.223297] turning off regulator
<3>[ 66.471343] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 68.425018] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 70.379852] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<3>[ 72.332489] cpcap_batt_irq_hdlr: irq = 73
<6>[ 73.756774] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 66997345016 (2010-06-11 15:45:52.402709963 UTC)
<4>[ 74.018585] save exit: isCheckpointed 1
<4>[ 74.025604] save exit: isCheckpointed 1

Moto XT701 拿 root 權限

上周老婆送了台夢寐以求的 Motorola XT701, 做了 Android platform 一年多來,
第一次真的擁有一台 Android Phone... :)

網路上看啊看, 果真三兩下就被人解開了封印, 事實上我會覺得那是原廠放出來的啦
或者是哪個閒閒的工程師無聊放給大家大改特改的陰謀... :p

拿到手機, 查了一下版本, BL 8099, System image STCU_U2_31.05.4,
都是傳說中的最新版本... "謠傳"說 Bootloader 8099 沒辦法"root",
不信邪試了一下, 果真沒辦法... 應該是把 usb host 裡的某些個 pin 腳給 disable 了!?

anyway, 基本上照著這一篇 mobile01 上的討論作就沒錯了,

但來探討一下 upate 完之後是怎樣的鬼...

update firmware 畫面:

如果 BL 8099 的話, adb 根本進不去. device not found ?
adb daemon 沒跑起? 還是?? 有空再來研究...

刷 root updater 的畫面, 很快, 應該是只有刷了幾個小檔案進去,
update firmware 時檔案目錄出現了 CG31, CG33, CG35, CG35, CG39, CG40, CG42
CG45, CG47, CG53, CG61, RAMDLD, service1ff 這幾個檔案,
root updater 只有 CG35 跟 RAMDLD 這兩個, 我猜是更新 ramdisk 內容而已...

仔細看了一下 update 之後的目錄跟檔案, 有幾個不太依樣的,

所以我猜是原本的 init.rc 並沒把 adbd 跑起來吧!

但這樣很怪了, 換不一樣的 bootloader 會有影響?
小試了一下, 發現幾個現象:

. BL8098 + STCU_U2_31.05.4 + root updater -> OK
. BL8099 + STCU_U2_31.05.4 -> update root updater 後無效
. 先刷過 1, 再把 bootloader 刷成 BL8099 -> OK

所以看起來是 BL8099 當中擋掉了 root updater 這個 image 的真正執行??

讚! 有得 adb, 啥事都可以做囉!! 呵呵!!