2008年6月26日 星期四
後變給扯下來了... @_@
好像到某個角度就會卡卡的, 心想應該是前天騎完車拆下鏈條清潔不乾淨, 也沒有太注意, 還是一路往前行
從竹東下公館騎到二重埔, 上坡的地方施力怪怪的, 二重埔溜到竹中口, 一路下坡變檔也是卡卡的
想說到了公司再看看吧... 就還是往前騎
好不容易在車陣中穿梭到了過了園區高架, 一綠燈趕緊往前騎, 怕 miss 掉高速公路那個大紅燈.
沒想到才騎一點距離就被台載小孩上課的小 march 給擋住, 趕緊變檔, 剎車往內側行, 挖哩咧...
結果 march 突然間又往內側靠... 銬銬銬... 鏈條卡了一下, 趕緊停下來把鏈條給裝上, 再往前一大踩
又卡... 下車一看不得了了... 後變掉下來了... 挖挖哇...
只好打電話把老婆給挖起來, 趕緊載著我上班去... 真是傷腦筋...
後變速器不見了... @_@
歪掉了... @_@
得休息好一陣子不能騎車了... :(
2008年6月23日 星期一
2008年6月22日 星期日
睡過頭啦~~~ @_@ 還好一行人還在二重埔吃早餐, 趕緊刷牙洗臉出門溜狗去... 趕在七點半出發往北埔去...
比想像中的快, 八點出頭就到北埔了. 街上沒啥人, 死觀光客還沒出現...
沒多做停留, 之後再往北埔冷泉的方向騎去, 沒想到花了不少時間才到冷泉... 上上下下的果真比較累...
在休息的同時, 居然遇到了梁凱的老爸, 真酷... 一身勁裝準備從五指山那邊回竹東,太強了...
拿著 LOMO 的小石,
老婆說要幫她拍一張當車隊報名照片, 穿車衣看起來好瘦
之後又跑回市區吃冰去, 挖挖挖... 觀光客進來啦...
還好冰店不在廟的那個大馬路上, 沒被人指指點點的... :p
這間冰店就是 n 年前跟皙恩和建誠第一次騎車走二重埔-寶二-北埔-寶三-二重埔
時候的那間店ㄟ... 真是太巧了... 還是這間店是名店???
冰還不錯吃啦, 吃冰前先照一張囉, 看得出來大家都粉累...
頌慈好像想吃的樣子, 哈哈!
抹茶花生紅豆冰, 超炫的. 不錯吃喔!!
我比較喜歡吃米苔目ㄟ... 所以叫了個米苔目綠豆冰, 真怪的組合, but 也是好吃啊~~~
吃完冰就又開始幹活啦, 來程走台三線, 回程j跟老婆走寶二繞回竹東, 其他就再走寶山路
一路回到新竹... 挖挖哇... 想到就累得咧... :p
之前騎過兩次, 在其往寶山水庫的那個大上坡差點掛掉...
這次的旅程地圖, 從家裡出發到回家四十二公里, 其他人從明湖路出發, 挖賽, 六十多吧...
真是太猛啦, 上回騎到內灣也是, 看來我跟老婆比較偷懶ㄟ... 但寶二水庫順時針其真是他 x 的難騎
不知道是騎了很久肌肉疲乏了, 還是真的是陡... 下回還是改騎逆時針好了
2008年6月9日 星期一
2008年6月6日 星期五
「你們要....儆醒禱告。」(聖經彼得前書四章 7 節)
2008年6月5日 星期四
2008年6月3日 星期二
sk_buff 這個恐怖的 structure. 其中有個 sk_buff->cb[64] 這個 64 bytes 的
東西, 專門拿來把一些 control information 放進去裡面的, 各層 protocol 都
可以拿來用, 但要小心別互相給蓋掉了...
看一下 definition:
struct sk_buff {
/* These two members must be first. */
struct sk_buff *next;
struct sk_buff *prev;
* This is the control buffer. It is free to use for every
* layer. Please put your private variables there. If you
* want to keep them across layers you have to do a skb_clone()
* first. This is owned by whoever has the skb queued ATM.
char cb[64];
再來看一下 TCP layer 裡面有用到的部份...
/* This is what the send packet queuing engine uses to pass
* TCP per-packet control information to the transmission
* code. We also store the host-order sequence numbers in
* here too. This is 36 bytes on 32-bit architectures,
* 40 bytes on 64-bit machines, if this grows please adjust
* skbuff.h:skbuff->cb[xxx] size appropriately.
struct tcp_skb_cb {
union {
struct inet_skb_parm h4;
#if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined (CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
struct inet6_skb_parm h6;
} header; /* For incoming frames */
__u32 seq; /* Starting sequence number */
__u32 end_seq; /* SEQ + FIN + SYN + datalen */
__u32 when; /* used to compute rtt's */
__u8 flags; /* TCP header flags. */
/* NOTE: These must match up to the flags byte in a
* real TCP header.
__u8 sacked; /* State flags for SACK/FACK. */
__u16 urg_ptr; /* Valid w/URG flags is set. */
__u32 ack_seq; /* Sequence number ACK'd */
#define TCP_SKB_CB(__skb) ((struct tcp_skb_cb *)&((__skb)->cb[0]))
struct inet_skb_parm 是啥鬼捏?
struct inet_skb_parm
struct ip_options opt; /* Compiled IP options
unsigned char flags;
哇靠, 又來一個 struct ip_options...
struct ip_options {
__u32 faddr; /* Saved first hop address */
unsigned char optlen;
unsigned char srr;
unsigned char rr;
unsigned char ts;
unsigned char is_setbyuser:1, /* Set by setsockopt?
is_data:1, /* Options in __data, rather th
is_strictroute:1, /* Strict source route
srr_is_hit:1, /* Packet destination addr was
is_changed:1, /* IP checksum more not valid
rr_needaddr:1, /* Need to record addr of outgo
ts_needtime:1, /* Need to record timestamp
ts_needaddr:1; /* Need to record addr of outgo
unsigned char router_alert;
unsigned char __pad1;
unsigned char __pad2;
unsigned char __data[0];
Total 大約會用到 36 bytes (32bit machine), or 40 bytes (64bit machine)...
事實上在 protocol layer 裡還有其他幾個地方會用到 skb->cb 的咚咚:
[MVL4 include/net]$ grep "cb\[" *
ipx.h:#define IPX_SKB_CB(__skb) ((struct ipx_cb *)&((__skb)->cb[0]))
llc_conn.h: skb->cb[sizeof(skb->cb) - 1] = type;
llc_conn.h: return skb->cb[sizeof(skb->cb) - 1];
tcp.h: * skbuff.h:skbuff->cb[xxx] size appropriately.
tcp.h:#define TCP_SKB_CB(__skb) ((struct tcp_skb_cb *)&((__skb)->cb[0]))
[MVL4 include/linux]$ grep "cb\[" *
if_vlan.h:#define VLAN_TX_SKB_CB(__skb) ((struct vlan_skb_tx_cookie *)&((__skb)->cb[0]))
if_vlan.h: * Puts the VLAN tag in @skb->cb[] and lets the device do the rest
if_vlan.h: * __vlan_hwaccel_get_tag - get the VLAN ID that is in @skb->cb[]
if_vlan.h: * Returns error if @skb->cb[] is not set correctly
llc.h:#define llc_ui_skb_cb(__skb) ((struct sockaddr_llc *)&((__skb)->cb[0]))
所以盡量要使用 skb->cb[] 內容的話, 把它給擺在 cb[36] 以後吧, 反正有 64 bytes 可用...
... 這也難怪了... 先前把東西擺在 cb[0] & cb[1], 老是會不見 @_@ 唉啊, 真是沒看清楚啊~~~
likely & unlikely part II
1.2.9. Compile-Time Optimization for Condition Checks
Most of the time, when the kernel compares a variable against some external value to see whether a given condition is met, the result is extremely likely to be predictable. This is pretty common, for example, with code that enforces sanity checks. The kernel uses the likely and unlikely macros, respectively, to wrap comparisons that are likely to return a true (1) or false (0) result. Those macros take advantage of a feature of the gcc compiler that can optimize the compilation of the code based on that information.
Here is an example. Let's suppose you need to call the do_something function, and that in case of failure, you must handle it with the handle_error function:
err = do_something(x,y,z);
if (err)
Under the assumption that do_something rarely fails, you can rewrite the code as follows:
err = do_something(x,y,z);
if (unlikely(err))
An example of the optimization made possible by the likely and unlikely macros is in handling options in the IP header. The use of IP options is limited to very specific cases, and the kernel can safely assume that most IP packets do not carry IP options. When the kernel forwards an IP packet, it needs to take care of options according to the rules described in Chapter 18. The last stage of forwarding an IP packet is taken care of by ip_forward_finish. This function uses the unlikely macro to wrap the condition that checks whether there is any IP option to take care of. See the section "ip_forward_finish Function" in Chapter 20.
基本上跟先前的認知是一樣的, 但發覺 ARM, MIPS 跟 PowerPC 用的 GNU crosscompiler 似乎都不會去做這些個 optimization... x86 的就會...